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A member registered Nov 26, 2018

Recent community posts

I didn't read this topic before I purchased the game on Steam. What will happen if I redeem my steam key? Will it be added as second copy which I can gift to my friend?

Can I do this on the fly? Or I have to kill the game before editing save files?


This forum also has almost no shitpost

I have not been playing the game for a few months now.
Is the auto toggle still a checkbox with that weird UI (refer to
If yes, can I suggest using switch instead of checkbox? like this image below

Here are my ideas

  • Idol schedules. To see their fame/stamina breakdown per week 
  • Business proposal settings. To make business proposal respect current idol stamina
  • Staff Training

Then there is this UI annoying me. The checkbox for auto training/proposal. With the blue background, I thought that a full white square is checked. I was mistaken. 

Idol Manager community · Created a new topic Roadmap

Is there any public roadmap for the development of the game? It would be nice to have it